Five Project Types To Fit Your Unique Screen Printing Needs

baseball, branding, name brand, project type, screen printing, Team Gear, Team Leaders, team stores, track and field, youth groups -

Five Project Types To Fit Your Unique Screen Printing Needs

Without question, every customer that we get to work with has their own unique screen printing needs and expectations. And honestly, that's one of the things that makes the screen printing business fun. Every customer project type is a new opportunity to help solve a problem and make them look good.

On our website, we have a page simply names Screen Printing Projects (click here to see it). It is a running list of current projects we have completed. Right now the projects have been divided in to seven different types. Do you work in any of these areas?

Example Project Types

These project types don't represent every type out there, but they give you a good idea of the types of projects we've been working on recently.

Youth Groups

Working with youth groups is always rewarding. The challenges are often understanding what young kids like to wear and combining it with what their parents want.

Team Stores

These are great for organizations that want to offer a convenient way for their participants, fans, families, etc. to get cool apparel...with the hassle of collecting order forms and checks or cash. The online stores we build take care of all that and have also proven to be excellent fundraisers for groups looking to raise a little extra money.

Baseball and Track Teams

You know spring is here when the weather starts to warm up and the possibility of getting outside starts to get real. That means baseball and track & field are just weeks away. We've put together a line of gear for these teams that will let them get in their work weather it is hot, cold, wet, snowy or the sun is shining (and in the northwest these things can all happen in one day). Teams are building their selections based on layering.

Brand Promotion

Whether you are a new business or keeping the momentum going with an established company, there is no denying the importance of branding. And a screened t-shirt or sweatshirt is one of the most cost effective ways to keep your brand on people's minds. Don't just take it from us. Click here to read an article written by a web development company on the value of using t-shirts to promote a company.

High End Products at Reasonable Rates

One of the most powerful offerings that Select Printing offers customers is the ability to get high end name brand gear at significant discounts. Our relationships with a variety of distributors mean that you can get excellent pricing on brands like Nike, adidas and Under Armour.

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