A Tale of Two Coaches

A Tale of Two Coaches

By Charles Dickens
Interpreted by Dan Goodale

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. For one coach, the stress of collecting sizes and checks from athletes was absent. Packaged orders prepared and ready for distribution was the norm. And there was even some fundraising money in the team account, acquired without selling any overpriced tea. All this while eliminating hours of wasted time organizing spirit wear for the program. Beaming is the coach, as the athletes admire their new gear, received before the first meet of the year. The money raised plus the money saved helped the coaches on the sidelines look as sharp as the drills the players were running.

For another, it was the worst of times. Tracking down sizes for all 80 athletes. Handling the stress of counting cash and checks that are incorrectly made out.

“A day wasted on individual orders is gear wasted sitting on one’s shelf.”

The issues piled on and on, as did the garments in the storage closest, unlabeled and unorganized. Another task on the coach's growing list to tackle. With 2 matches past, and the stress continuing to mount, the coach can only scratch his head and wonder how could things get any worse.

“Death may beget life, but inefficiency can beget nothing other than itself. Especially when the check does not include tax.”

Two situations, two completely different outcomes. Options abound when choosing your course of spirit wear ordering. But equal are not all options.

“Bad service and unresponsive distributors require a lot of time; it is the rule.”

As a coach, you always look for advantages that help your team and players improve on the field, track, or court. Why, then are you not looking for options to improve their spirit wear? Out-dated are the days of collecting order forms and checks from parents. It is now an avoidable stress that wastes valuable time. Time best spent with your athletes.

“He knew enough of the world to know that there is nothing better than the faithful service of a great screen printer.”

Online stores create a stress-free, efficient way to organize your spirit wear and get your gear back to you in a timely fashion. They also provide a simple fundraiser that can be used for coach’s gear or athletes in need of help. Plus, the gear arrives in pre-labeled bags and organized by the individual's name.

“Liberty, quality gear, exultant athletes, and faithful service: -- the last, much the easiest to bestow, O Coaches!"

It is possible to paint a simple picture for success with your team apparel.

As the first coach said about his experience, "It is a far, far better thing that I do, than I have ever done with my spirit wear; it is a far, far better process that I go through than I have ever known. The glorious vision of doing good for the young athletes is so often the sanguine mirage of so many good minds, but those visions are only achievable with the right screen printer in mind.

 “And a beautiful world we live in, when it is possible to have no worries about spirit wear, and when many other such things are possible, and not only possible, but the gear is already done-- done, see you! -- under that sky there, every day our athletes representing our team!” 

Clearly, the best of times for any coach was one simple decision away. Choose to simplify. Choose to save precious time.

"Nothing that we do, is done in vain. I believe, with all my soul, that we shall see triumph!"


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